本帖最后由 fzwwj95 于 2018-5-26 18:56 编辑
You successfully installed the Quartus II software, but did not install any devices. Do you want to launch the device installer to add devices。
您已经成功地安装了Quartus II软件,但您并没有安装任何设备(指 ALTERA 的FPGA 如Cyclone IV)。您想启动设备安装程序来添加设备吗?
Due to a problem in the Quartus® II software version 13.0, you may see the following message during installation if your license is not valid or no longer under maintenance. 由于Quartus ® II软件13.0版本的问题,如果您的许可证无效或不再维护中,您可能会在安装中看到如下消息: “You successfully installed the Quartus II software, but did not install any devices. Do you want to launch the device installer to add devices”
To avoid this problem, use the valid license file that is currently under maintenance. 为了避免此类问题的发生,请使用目前正在维护的有效的许可证文件 The message has been updated beginning with version 13.1 of the Quartus II software. 该消息在Quartus II软件的13.1版本中已经更新。(13.1及之后的软件不会出现)